How to find the best Travel Health Insurance

How to find the best Travel Health Insurance

You’ve planned your dream vacation, but have you planned the necessary travel health insurance? Traveling abroad can be a transcendent experience. It can also be riddled with uncertainties. Insurance is the only way to ensure that you are prepared for any eventuality. We know that you want to enjoy your trip and not think about anything else, but travel health insurance is important. Here are some tips on how to find the best travel health insurance.

1. You may be covered by your old insurance provider

Many people already have travel health insurance coverage through their employer, credit card issuer, or a student program. Make sure that you check with these companies first to see if you are covered.

2. Best time to buy

The best time to buy is from the beginning of your trip. We know that you have been waiting all year for this vacation and finally, it’s here! But don’t skip out on buying travel insurance so you can enjoy yourself as soon as possible. If something does happen, having no health insurance makes it worse for you and other travelers going forward. Travelers without medical coverage face financial loss from unexpected medical bills that could put them into debt cause them to sell their homes. Buy travel insurance as soon as you know the dates of your trip, to ensure that you can get coverage no matter what happens and enjoy yourself.

3. If traveling with a family, make sure to include them

Many policies offer discounted rates for families. These savings can be significant and help ensure that everyone in the family has affordable travel health insurance because it includes kids under age 19 at no additional cost. That’s because the amount of medical care needed by children is often much lower than adults. Therefore, there are lower premiums charged per child versus an adult traveler on a given plan.

4. Insurance doesn’t just cover you overseas

Most plans will provide coverage even if your medical emergency occurs domestically while traveling abroad. That would include trips to Canada or Mexico, which are popular destinations for Americans.

5. Your choices are endless

So many companies offer travel health insurance nowadays that you can choose from almost any plan. This means that you have more options to find the best travel health insurance for your needs and budget. Some companies even focus on certain demographics, such as students studying abroad or seniors taking an extended trip that lasts months instead of weeks or days. You can also compare plans using unbiased tools offered by each company to see the full extent of your coverage, making sure that nothing is left out, ensuring you have options when it comes time to file a claim if needed.

6. Online home base

The internet has made comparing plans simple. You can easily access each company’s website and compare travel insurance plans to see the full extent of the coverage offered.

7. Keeping track of your policy number

If you do decide to purchase insurance, make sure that you keep good records of your policy number in case anything should happen during your trip. That way, you can provide it to doctors and other medical personnel right away and they will be able to help you as soon as possible.

8. Check for limitations

Some policies will only cover you up to a certain age under the plan. Some companies charge more if the traveler is over the age of 50 or 55, so make sure to take this into account when you’re shopping for coverage.

9. Don’t worry about pre-existing conditions

Most plans do not require a physical or exclude pre-existing conditions, so if you have an ailment that needs attention, don’t let it stop you from getting your travel health insurance. This is especially true if you’re planning a trip somewhere that requires more extensive medical attention.

10. Check with your doctor first

If you’re not sure about buying travel health insurance, call your primary care physician and talk to them first. They may be able to give you some initial guidance on whether or not it might be worth the cost. If they think that you should buy it, then do some research online and see what companies are out there and how much they cost.


Many people are surprised to find out that they can afford travel health insurance. It’s important to take the time to shop around and do your research before you decide on what policy is right for you. Once you do, make sure that you keep good records of your policy number in case anything should happen during your trip.

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